Learning Plan


My name is Cameron and I am in Grade 7.  I enjoy playing sports, watching sports, listening to music, walking or hiking.
I’m good at Baseball

what are my academic preferences?

The subjects I enjoy most are

  • English / Language Arts, History, Art, Music

    The subjects I enjoy the least are

    • Math, Science, Technology

      I understand information better by

      • watching a video or presentation
      I prefer to demonstrate my understanding
      • with tests that include multiple choice and short answers
      • by making something with my hands
      • in person in front of a small group of classmates
      • one on one discussion with my teachers

      what are my areas for academic growth?

      Academic skills that are challenging for me are


      what motivates me?


      This means that I may be learning or doing school work to get praise or some kind of reward like higher grades or a gift.

      how do i learn best?

      The ways I am smart are
      • PICTURE SMART so I may learn best with images, charts, and videos.
      • PEOPLE SMART so I may be good at understanding and getting along with people.
      • BODILY-KINESTHETIC ways so I may have good hand-eye co-ordination, balance and speed with body.

      what helps me learn?

      Learning was easier for me when

      • I used physical tools to stay focused (ie. fidget toys, chairs)
      • I had extra time to complete tests and assignments or took tests over several days

      what are my learning strengths?

      My strongest learning skills are
      • ORGANIZATION which means that I may prefer to keep things in order or tidy
      • RESPONSE INHIBITION which means I may be able to think before I act
      • TEAMWORK which means I may be good at working with others in team or group settings.
      • PHYSICAL which means that it may be easier for me to learn when I am able to be more active.

      what are my learning opportunities?

      Learning skills most challenging for me are

      • WORKING MEMORY which means it may be difficult for me to remember information I recently recalled.
      • EMOTIONAL CONTROL which means the part of the brain which controls my emotions may not be fully developed
      • METACOGNITION which means I may not be aware of my strengths and needs
      • AUDITORY MEMORY which means it might be difficult for me to process information that I hear orally, remember it and recall it.

      • VISUAL MEMORY which means it may be difficult for me to remember things that I have visually seen.
      What are my goals?

      I would like to become more focused OR less anxious in school

      by taking notes while listening in class.

      The strategy I will use is MANIPULATIVES: Use concrete materials, images and representational models to solve math problems or understand complex concepts

      I would like to work on this once a week and complete it by April 30, 2024.

      strategies that may help me and my classmates

      Select the strategies that may work best for you
      1. ALTERNATIVE TEST FORMATS: Have the option of creating a video, audio file or podcast in place of some written assignments and tests.
      2. GOOGLE DOCS: Use Google Docs to complete collaborative writing or small group tasks.
      3. KHAN ACADEMY: Use instructional videos in Khan academy to learn new concepts at your own pace.
      4. BOOK CREATOR: Use Book Creator, a digital tool to create and read multimodal digital books.
      5. CONCEPT MAPS: Use partially completed concept map templates to take notes on key ideas or expand on information presented orally by the teacher.
      6. GOOGLE SLIDES: Use Google slides to collaborate with peers, complete presentations and teach new concepts to peers.
      7. JOURNALLING: Use a journal to record ideas using text, drawings or other visual aids.
      8. MANIPULATIVES: Use concrete materials and representational models to solve problems or understand complex concepts.
      9. MEMORY MATH GAMES: use memory math games to enhance mental math skills
      10. MOVEMENT ACTIVITIES: Engage in movement activities to learn and retain new concepts.
      11. ORAL STORIES: Develop creative stories through oral communication instead of written text.
      12. ORAL TESTS: Complete portions of tests orally to properly demonstrate an understanding of the content.
      13. TALK-TO-TEXT SOFTWARE: Use talk to text software supports to make it easier to express written thoughts.
      14. TIMER ESTIMATION: use a timer to estimate how long it takes to complete tasks for prediction of future tasks
      15. COMIC BOOKS: Use comic book writing in place of traditional writing to help prompt throughts and improve characterization.
      16. ESTIMATION ACTIVITIES: Engage in estimation activities to improve estimation and prediction skills.
      17. IXL: Practice skills aligned to the curriculum. This tool includes analytics to automatically correct answers and identify challenging areas.
      18. KNOWLEDGEHOOK: Use the online resource Knowledgehook for math because of its interactive and collaborative features.
      19. TYPING: Use Typing Club (www.typingclub.com) to develop typing skills to type some assignments in place of physical writing.


      Study Smart