learning skilLS

instructional strategy
Book Creator

Use Book Creator, a digital too to create and read multimodal digital books

academic skill

Grade 6 – 9

WRITING EXPRESSION Expressing ideas and creating text- demonstrating personal voice in text

Lesson Objective, Goal and Success Criteria

  1. Make informed choices of language to create a range of interesting effects in imaginative writing and other ways of representing
  2. Demonstrate an awareness of the effect of context on writing and other forms of representation – make appropriate choices of form, style, and content for specific audiences and purposes.
 Write and represent narrative stories using multimodal text. 
  • Create a narrative with a plot line (initiating action, rising action, climax, descending action, conclusion) 
  • Choose and apply the appropriate style for your audience 
  • Use images that reflect your narrative 
  • Use the appropriate writing conventions and punctuation 

UDL Instruction

  1. Revisit, review, and respond to questions regarding narrative writing, plot mapping, and character mapping (these are concepts that would have been previously explicitly taught) 
  2. Brainstorm “juicy” verbs, adverbs, and adjectives (a previously taught skill) as a class using www.answergarden.ch  
  3. Project www.answergarden.ch collaborative brainstorm on a projector. Students can use their device to write as many “juicy” words as possible to support their writing. This will be displayed while students are working to support their writing (teachers keep this tab open to easily return to it later). 
  4. Begin to edit and write a final copy of class narratives using “www.bookcreator.com”  
  5. Show students a demonstration of BookCreator projected on the board. Show students how to make a new book, how to listen to your book, how to add in audio and/or images (there are wonderful instructional videos if needed on their website) 
  6. Have students logon using their credentials and join the teachers bookshelf by entering the code provided by BookCreator.

Differentiated Instruction

Project the “juicy” descriptive verbs, adverbs, and adjectives on the whiteboard. Students will now take the time to write their narratives/stories in the BookCreator program being mindful to add in descriptive words to enhance their writing. Students can be placed in small groups to support each other as they write OR they can choose to work independently. The teacher can circulate, supporting writing and troubleshooting any technical challenges. Give students sufficient time to work on their narratives recognizing that all students may not be able to fully complete their narratives.

Measurement of Success

  • Students who would like to share their narratives and receive balanced peer feedback can have their books projected on the class whiteboard.  
  • The student can read aloud their stories or have the program read the story to them.  
  • Encourage the rest of the class to give oral and/or written balanced feedback to each student who shared their work. The written feedback can be provided by writing comments on a feedback ticket or post-it sticky note. Remind students of what good feedback looks like, sounds like, and feels like, as well as accountable talk when providing feedback to others. The teacher will collect the written feedback notes, review them briefly to ensure comments are appropriate and then share them with each of the students.  
  • This feedback activity will also provide students with an additional opportunity to use their voice in text. It will also enable the recipients of the feedback an opportunity to enhance their writing.
  • This process may take a few periods and is summative in nature, however, it can be used as formative and in other capacities.

Materials, References and Resources

Website- www.bookcreator.com – Free version available Technology- Access to devices, chrome books, internet, iPads, phones  Post-it Sticky Note Pads- $2 Dollar store
Keys to Literacy- https://keystoliteracy.com/free-resources/
Literacy Framework-https://doe.sd.gov/literacy/documents/LiteracyFramework-083023.pdf

Sedita, J. (2019). The Writing Rope. Keys to Literacy www. keystoliteracy. com Reprinted with permission. All rights reserved.  
Sedita, J. (2022). The Writing Rope: A Framework for Evidence-Based Writing Instruction. 
Wanless, J. (2023). Writing instructional practices in Grades 3-7 inclusive classrooms (Doctoral dissertation, Electronic version published by Vancouver Island University).

Really Great Reading- Scarborough Reading Rope www.reallygreatreading.com/content/scarboroughs-reading-rope

About a Character Graphic Organizer Worksheets

A diagram of a story

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